Possibilities of AIS:MOGS in providing perinatal prevention

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25877305-2020-04-11
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T. Vasilyeva(1, 2), A. Malyshkina(1), O. Pesikin(1), A. Melerzanov(2), Candidate of Medical Sciences (1)V.N. Gorodkov Ivanovo Research Institute of Maternity and Childhood, Ministry of Health of Russia (2)N.A. Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health, Moscow

The importance of reducing perinatal risks has currently increased; this is well-founded by the marked deterioration of reproductive and demographic processes. Objective: to assess the capabilities of the automated information system: monitoring of obstetric/gynecological services (AIS:MOGS) for the information support of a physician in preventing maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. Results. The scientific rationale for the need for information support of a physician’s functions in ensuring the prevention principle in monitoring pregnant women is the established large volume of risk factors for perinatal and maternal morbidity and mortality (about 200), including combined risks (4.6 per woman), as well as a large number of measures to prevent perinatal and maternal risks (about 400). An analysis of the work of an obstetric/gynecological service in one of the subjects of the Russian Federation on the prevention of perinatal risk and the use of automated monitoring of the health of pregnant women and women who have completed their pregnancy creates real opportunities for the development of a system to support decision-making in classifying pregnant women from risk groups into obstetric and perinatal diseases, and for the monitoring of maternal and perinatal mortality for the physicians and heads of institutions and services to manage perinatal and maternal risks. Conclusion. The leading condition for effectively using the information system is to increase the activity of physicians and health managers in applying the innovative organizational system, as well as the participation of women themselves in collecting data for reasoned organizational decision-making.

obstetrics and gynecology
perinatal risk management
information system
data analysis

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