Anticancer diet, or principles of rational nutrition in gynecological cancer patients during rehabilitation

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A. Vlasina; Professor A. Solopova, MD; E. Ivanova; T. Blbulyan I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University)

Objective: to demonstrate the relevance of the nutritional problem in gynecological cancer patients in the rehabilitation period; to formulate the goals and objectives of anticancer diet; and to highlight the most important principles of nutrition support for patients with the early stages of the disease. Basic provisions. The authors consider the scientific basis of rational nutrition in women with malignant neoplasms of the reproductive system in the rehabilitation period. Based on their significant clinical experience, the authors propose their view of the problem. The importance of nutrition support is much great that it is the latter that governs the prognosis of the disease and the risk of recurrence. Eating disorders substantially worsen the results of antitumor therapy and quality of life in gynecological cancer patients. Anticancer diet implies a multidisciplinary approach to providing good nutrition due to the diet that is optimally balanced in chemical composition and energy value, which contributes to the effective recovery of patients, to the improvement of their general condition, and to the increase in relapse-free survival. An individual selection of foods and their cooking methods, dietary pattern and water load are recommended, by taking into account calories and adequate provision of the body with micro- and macronutrients. It is important to remember the possible synergistic effects of biologically active substances and to correctly combine them. Dishes can vary in composition; however, food should provide the body’s energy needs, eliminate toxins, stimulate the immune system, promote physical performance, improve mood, and therefore increase quality of life in a woman. Conclusion. The development of an individual rational nutrition program and its compliance should be considered an important component of treatment and rehabilitation measures aimed at achieving the maximum quality of life in gynecological cancer patients.

gynecologic oncology
anti-cancer diet
nutrition support
antitumor treatment
quality of life

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