DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25877305-2020-02-14
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P. Seliverstov, Candidate of Medical Sciences; D. Tsurcumia, Candidate of Medical Sciences; S. Sitkin, Candidate of Medical Sciences; Т. Skvortsova, Candidate of Medical Sciences I.I. Mechnikov North-Western State Medical University, St. Petersburg

Recently, the study of functional gastrointestinal disorders has become an urgent task due to the prevalence of this pathology. Functional disorders of the biliary tract are known to underlie clinical symptoms both in primary functional disorders occurring as an independent pathology and in secondary dysfunctions resulting from organic pathology. It has become possible to adjust the accumulated knowledge on the clinical course of the functional gallbladder disorders, their diagnosis and treatment due to the Rome IV criteria. Nevertheless, many issues remain unsettled, including the function tests with choleretic breakfast. Such testing allows to evaluate the function of the gallbladder and sphincter apparatus of the biliary system. However, the reaction to the same choleretic breakfast can differ significantly intrapatient, which requires the development of a standard, generally accepted technique. In our study we showed the effectiveness of Chophytol at a dose of 5 ml used as a choleretic breakfast. The choice of Chophytol was due to its well- known and proved choleretic and cholekinetic effects, as well as the fixed concentration of choleretic elements. The present case demonstrates special features of the functional biliary disorders course, their diagnosis and treatment.

функциональные заболевания
желчный пузырь
желчегонный завтрак
экстракт свежих листьев артишока полевого

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