Possibilities for early diagnosis of contrast-induced nephropathy

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25877305-2019-10-03
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M. Shonia, Candidate of Medical Sciences; Yu. Khalturina, Candidate of Medical Sciences; Yu. Paramonova, Candidate of Medical Sciences; D. Pivovarov; A. Pivovarova Volga Research Medical University, Nizhny Novgorod

The primary excretory organ in the human body is the kidney; it is the latter that is involved in the excretion of substances used for treatment and diagnosis. The list of potentially nephrotoxic drugs is extensive and is growing as novel pharmacological agents are being designed. A special place is given to contrast-induced nephropathy among the toxic kidney damages. This pathology is an important clinical problem that develops in parallel with the widespread use of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures using contrast agents, since the main way for their elimination is through the kidneys.

contrast-induced nephropathy
radiopaque agents
cystatin C

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