Possibilities of using Meldonium Organica in the combination treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25877305-2019-09-06

T. Potupchik(1), Candidate of Medical Sciences; L. Evert(2), MD; O. Averyanova(3); Yu. Akhmeldinova(1); A. Ivanov(1) 1-Prof. V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University 2-Research Institute for Medical Problems of the North, Federal Research Center «Krasnoyarsk Research Center, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences» 3-Krasnoyarsk Interdistrict Maternity Hospital Four

The paper reviews clinical studies of Meldonium, which have shown its efficacy in treating cardiovascular diseases. Meldonium is widely used in the combination therapy of coronary heart disease, chronic heart failure, and acute and chronic cerebrovascular diseases. The authors describe the results of a bioequivalence study of Meldonium Organica 500 mg capsules (AO «Organika», Russia) and Mildronat®, 500 mg capsules (AO «Grindex», Latvia), according to the data of which the drugs are bioequivalent, which suggests that Meldonium Organica may be used in clinical practice.

Meldonium Organica
cardiovascular diseases

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