The sociomedical and legal aspects of providing medical care to tuberculosis patients at the present stage of development of TB care

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Professor E. Borodulina, MD; I. Shmelev, Candidate of Medical Sciences Samara State Medical University

The analysis of the existing provisions of the regulatory and legal framework governing the rights of citizens with tuberculosis was checked. The legal framework in phthisiology is developing, but, due to the lack of an implementation mechanism, a number of regulatory documents are difficult to apply in practical work. A certain part of citizens do not fulfill their obligations not to spread tuberculosis infection without any consequences for their asocial lifestyle. Inconsistency in the need to comply with medical secrecy with an epidemiological investigation and the implementation of anti-epidemic measures in some cases causes moral damage to the patient, which can serve as a reason for commencement of an action against the dispensary. It is necessary to inform physicians about the social problems of patients with tuberculosis, which will enhance patient compliance. Effective protection of the interests of the individual and society requires further improvement of legal regulation in the fight against the spread of tuberculosis in the Russian Federation.

regulatory and legal framework
federal law

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