The efficiency of self-monitoring the activity of a process in rheumatoid arthritis in outpatient practice

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E. Yurova; E. Lygina, Candidate of Medical Sciences; Professor N. Nikulina, MD; Professor S. Yakushin, MD Acad. I.P. Pavlov Ryazan State Medical University

The positive experience has been gained with self-monitoring by patients of their status in many chronic noncommunicable diseases: diabetes, hypertensive disease, asthma, etc. Such monitoring can be carried out for a long time without seeking medical advice. A methodology for self-monitoring of disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is just coming under study; the results obtained are contradictory. The paper evaluates the efficiency of using a structured procedure for self-determination of RA activity by a patient at home. Two groups of patients with RA were formed. These were: 1) those who were trained in self-monitoring techniques (n = 30); 2) those who were untrained (n = 30). The follow-up lasted 6 months. The proposed procedure for self-monitoring allowed patients to monitor RA activity for 6 months after training is not worse than the traditional monthly physician monitoring, which enables it to be recommended for use in outpatient practice.

rheumatoid arthritis
outpatient attendance
patient education

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