Clinical and endoscopic aspects of gastroesophageal reflux disease in patients with rheumatic disease

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Professor M. Denisov(1), MD; A. Yakushin(1, 3); Professor E. Sarycheva(2), MD; N. Aksenov(1) 1-Novosibirsk National Research State University 2-Novokuznetsk State Institute for Advanced Training of Physicians, Branch, Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education 3-Center for Family Medicine, Novosibirsk

Thirty-six patients with rheumatic diseases were examined. Clinical signs of gastroesophageal reflux disease were detected in 69.4% of cases; the course of the disease was typical and atypical in 52.8 and 16.7% of patients, respectively. Gastroprotective therapy aimed at resolving the symptoms of the disease or preventing the latter was not performed in 61.1%; endoscopic changes in the mucous membrane of the upper digestive tract were detected in 86.1%, and reflux esophagitis was diagnosed in 13.9%.

rheumatic diseases
rheumatoid arthritis
systemic lupus erythematosus
gastroesophageal reflux disease

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