The pathogenesis of atrophic gastritis: immunological aspects

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Professor V. Tsukanov, MD; A. Vasyutin, Candidate of Medical Sciences; Yu. Tonkikh, Candidate of Medical Sciences; Associate Professor O. Smirnova, MD; A. Sinyakov, Candidate of Medical Sciences; O. Peretyatko, Candidate of Medical Sciences Federal Research Center «Krasnoyarsk Research Center, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences», Separate Division, Research Institute for Medical Problems of the North, Krasnoyarsk

The features of cellular immunity in the blood of patients with atrophic body gastritis were investigated. A comparative study was conducted in 85 patients with moderate atrophic body gastritis, 25 patients with severe atrophic body gastritis, and 90 apparently healthy people at the age of 25 to 65 years who were examined. Atrophic gastritis was diagnosed, by determining serum pepsinogen-1 and pepsinogen-2 levels and morphologically examining the gastric mucosa. Cellular immunity in the blood was estimated by indirect immunofluorescence assay using monoclonal antibodies (CD3, CD4, CD8, and CD16). The serum concentration of immunoglobulins A, M, E, and G was determined by enzyme immunoassay. Patients with severe atrophic body gastritis were found to have lower levels of T lymphocytes, T helper cell subpopulations, blood CD4+/CD8+ ratios and IgA and IgG concentrations than healthy individuals.

atrophic gastritis
cellular immunity

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