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O. Papysheva(1), Candidate of Medical Sciences; G. Kotaish(1), Candidate of Medical Sciences; T. Mayatskaya(1); S. Sidorova(1); E. Tretyakova(1), E. Devyatova(2), Candidate of Medical Sciences 1-N.E. Bauman City Clinical Hospital Twenty-Nine, Moscow Healthcare Department 2-Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow

The paper gives data on the leading aspects of the pathogenesis of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) in modern conditions. The obesity pandemic has led not only to an exponential increase in the incidence of GDM, but also to its earlier manifestation. Maintaining the state of metainflammation, insulin resistance (IR) in obesity is regarded as the main pathogenetic factor for GDM. In preconceptional IR-related pregnancy, there can be long-term dangerous consequences (including obesity, fatty hepatosis in the offspring) due to the mechanisms of epigenetic programming.

gestational diabetes mellitus
insulin resistance
epigenetic programming

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