Individual rehabilitation therapy techniques for osteoarthritis

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O. Borisova; Professor E. Belyaeva, MD Medical Institute, Tula State University

Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the most common joint diseases. The problem of its treatment needs to form the new approaches meeting the high safety requirements, especially in elderly people with comorbidity. A patient group of 72 people aged 38 to 76 years with a reliable diagnosis of OA and long-standing severe pain syndrome was selected. Thirty-two patients received treatment with ionized gel with hyaluronic acid and transcranial electrostimulation sessions, resulting in a reduction in pain by 56% of the baseline value on the visual analog scale, which was 2.3 times higher than that in the control group (24.3%). Upon completion of a 10-session cycle, the dose of used nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) was reduced by 2 times in 58% of cases in the study group; 10% of patients completely discontinued the drugs; 4 weeks later only 25% of patients resumed taking NSAIDs at an average therapeutic dose. The use of ionized hyalurone-containing gel and transcranial electrical stimulation in patients with chronic pain syndrome in OA can be a promising rehabilitation technique at the stage of restorative treatment.

chronic pain
restorative treatment
air ionization
transcranial electrical stimulation

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