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E. Dvoryankova(1), MD; E. Denisova(1, 2), Candidate of Medical Sciences; Professor A. Piruzyan(1), MD; Professor I. Korsunskaya(1, 2), MD 1-Center for Theoretical Problems of Physicochemical Pharmacology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow 2-Moscow Research and Practical Center for Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology, Moscow Healthcare Department

Adult-onset atopic dermatitis is observed in 1-3% of adults. The concept of adult-onset atopic dermatitis has relatively recently come into use in the scientific literature. In most cases, atopic dermatitis results in a fairly sustained remission before puberty begins. However, in recent years, there have been more and more adult-onset atopic dermatitis cases when the disease persists or even starts to occur in adults. Atopic dermatitis in adult patients has the features of its clinical course and does not meet the diagnostic criteria adopted in pediatric practice. Therefore, the disease in adult patients becomes the diagnosis of exclusion in most cases, especially in de novo cases.

atopic dermatitis

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