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O. Jones (1), Candidate of Medical Sciences; Professor V. Strukov (2), MD; Professor A. Kislov (2), MD; Professor N. Eremina (2), MD; Professor M. Kondrachenko (2), MD; T. Kuptsova (3) 1-Mansfield Medical Center, Fort Worth, USA 2-Penza Institute for Postgraduate Training of Physicians, Branch, Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education, Ministry of Health of Russia, Penza, Russia 3-Penza State University, Penza, Russia

The paper gives data on the epidemiology, classification, and nature of comorbidities in patients with osteoporosis (OP). It shows the necessity of taking comorbidities into account, which makes it possible to improve the diagnosis of OP and the efficiency of its treatment.

comorbid osteoporosis
cavernous masses
bone mineral density
Osteomed Forte
OsteoVit D3
Trabecular Bone Score

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