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Professor L. Feklisova (1), MD; R. Shapovalova (2) 1-M.F. Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Clinical Research Institute 2-Podolsk Territorial Directorate for the Moscow Region, Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare

The safety and efficiency of immunization against rotavirus infection were evaluated based on a long-term analysis of the incidence of enteric infections, by using one of the areas of the Moscow region as an example. The paper provides data on the dominance of rotavirus enteritis in the etiological structure of acute enteric infections. The genotypes of rotaviruses matching to pentavalent RotaTeq® vaccine strains were found to circulate. Immunization in 46.5% of babies in the first year of life during the first year of vaccination and in 69.4% during the second year contributed to reductions in the incidence of rotavirus infection in all age groups and in the number of hospitalized patients aged 0-6 years.

infectious diseases
rotavirus infection

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