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Professor V. Zakharov, MD; O. Milovanova; D. Grishina; A. Lokshina, Candidate of Medical Sciences; N. Vakhnina, Candidate of Medical Sciences I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

Mild and moderate cognitive impairments (CIs) are observed in the early stages of cerebral diseases and widespread in clinical practice. Despite their nosological heterogeneity, there is a common neurochemical substrate of non-dementia CIs as neurotransmitter (dopaminergic, noradrenergic, other) deficiency in many cases. Although today there is no single approach to therapy for non-dementia CIs, the experience suggests the potential effectiveness of compensation for dopaminergic and noradrenergic deficiency. There are data on the use of the dopamine agonist and α-adrenoreceptor piribedil to treat mild and moderate CIs. This therapy was shown to significantly improve cognitive functions, primarily governing (planning and control) functions and memory. The significant efficiency of the treatment was determined even at the end of its second week.

mild and moderate cognitive impairments
dopaminergic and noradrenergic deficiency

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