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S. Dyakova, Candidate of Medical Sciences; N. Lev, Candidate of Medical Sciences; M. Kostyuchenko, Candidate of Medical Sciences; Professor Yu. Mizernitsky, MD; Professor N. Rozinova, MD Acad. Yu.E. Veltishchev Research Clinical Institute of Pediatrics, N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow

A clinical example is used to discuss criteria for distinguishing difficult-to-treat asthma from severe asthma in children, to demonstrate different ways of complex monitoring of asthmatic children for the assessment of control over disease course: dynamic assessment of asthma control test values, spirometric data, and nitric oxide and carbon monoxide levels in exhaled air; regular audit of compliance with elimination measures, basic therapy, and inhalation techniques; smoking cessation; and consideration of comorbidities.

nitric oxide
carbon monoxide

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