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V. Baev, MD; T. Agafonova, Candidate of Medical Sciences; O. Samsonova Acad. A.E. Vagner Perm State Medical University, Moscow

Mental performance and fatigue were comparatively analyzed in 16 women with idiopathic arterial hypotension (systolic blood pressure (SBP) ≤98 mm Hg) and in 10 women with normal blood pressure (BP) (SBP 120–129 mm Hg and diastolic BP 80–89 mm Hg). The age of the women in both groups was 17–31 years. Psychoemotional stress was to solve arithmetic problems (Kraepelin’s test). The analysis showed that mental performance and fatigue in young women with hypotension were consistent with those in those with normal BP. At the beginning of the test, more than twice as often as errors were noted in 81% of women with hypotension, but then the number of errors decreased by 2 times, and the proportion of women who were mistaken was 13 times fewer.

young women
idiopathic arterial hypotension
mental performance
mental fatigue

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