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O. Titova (1), MD; M. Petrova (1), MD; V. Volchkov (2), MD; A. Kozyrev (1), Candidate of Medical Sciences; D. Larin (3), Candidate of Medical Sciences; I. Dvorakovskaya (1), MD; O. Moiseeva (4) 1 -Research Institute of Pulmonology, I.P. Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University; 2 -Saint Petersburg State University; 3 -Vvedenskaya City Clinical Hospital, Saint Petersburg; 4 -City Pathology Bureau, Saint Petersburg

The clinical features of severe influenza (AH1N1), its complications, treatment difficulties, risk factors of a poor outcome, and the results of a histological examination were analyzed in adult inpatients with this condition.

infectious diseases
influenza A(H1N1)
viral pneumonia
viral myocarditis

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