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Professor P. Lebedev (1), MD; T. Soboleva (1), Candidate of Medical Sciences; D. Pimenova (1); O. Mishchenko (1), Candidate of Medical Sciences; G. Seredina (2) 1 -Samara State Medical University 2 -V.D. Seredavin Samara Regional Clinical Hospital

The paper discusses the problem of diagnosing an insulin-producing tumor arising from the islets of Langerhans β cells with manifestations of severe hypoglycemic syndrome. It provides information on the pathogenesis and clinical picture of insulinoma and methods for its diagnosis and treatment. A specific clinical example is given to trace the course of hypoglycemic syndrome in organic hyperinsulinism in a 26-year-old pregnant woman, difficulties in topical diagnosis, and the role of high-tech medical care.

organic hyperinsulinism
adrenergic and neurological symptoms
functional diagnostic tests
insulin/glycemic index
blood sampling from the right hepatic vein after intra-arterial calcium stimulation of various pancreatic segments

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