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E. Kapustina, Candidate of Medical Sciences; T. Bolshakova, Candidate of Medical Sciences; Professor E. Sharaikina, MD; Professor S. Nikulina, MD; V. Chupahina, Candidate of Medical Sciences; T. Potupchik, Candidate of Medical Sciences; Zh. Grushentseva, Candidate of Medical Sciences; M. Maksimova, Candidate of Medical Sciences Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after prof. V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky

In this paper we present the frequency and structure of osteoporotic fractures in women with osteoarthritis according to the constitution. Found that among women with fractures of the constitution mezosomnoy found significantly more often and have a correlation with it. The localization of fractures is also the constitutional relationship. Among women with mezosomy constitution, compared with women with megalosomy constitution is dominated by fractures of the vertebrae, and in patients with megalosomy constitution - fractures of the forearm. Multiple fractures are found only in representatives of mezosomy constitution.

traumatology and orthopedics

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