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Professor B. Sukovatykh, MD; Professor A. Bezhin, MD; Professor T. Pankrusheva, PhD; A. Grigoryan, Candidate of Medical Sciences; L. Zhilyaeva, Candidate of Medical Sciences; E. Kobzareva, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences; E. Andryukhina, Candidate of Medical Sciences; E. Mishina Kursk State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia

An experiment has investigated the ability of miramistin and chlorhexidine bigluconate, which are immobilized on various bases, to heal purulent wounds. The investigations have shown the advantages of a combination of miramistin and polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate-immobilized chlorhexidine bigluconate with methyluracil over levomecol ointment.

purulent wound
immobilized formulation

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