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I. Solovyeva (1); Professor N. Shesternya (2), MD; N. Perova (4), Biol.D; Professor V. Sevastyanov (3,4), Biol.D 1 -Hospital, Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka 2 -I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University 3 -Acad. V.I. Shumakov Center of Transplantology and Artificial Organs, Moscow 4 -Institute of Biomedical Studies and Technologies, Moscow

Comparative analysis of different treatment regimens for primary knee osteoarthritis demonstrated the efficacy of the combined intraarticular administration of heterogeneous biopolymer hydrogel and a hyaluronic acid preparation, which was best in terms of all indicators. The duration of the followup was 12 months.

knee osteoarthritis
hyaluronic acid
composition of heterogeneous biopolymer hydrogel
intraarticular administration

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