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Professor V. Kovalchuck (1), MD; E. Tokareva (2) 1 -Medical Rehabilitation Centre N.A. Semashko City Hospital Thirty-Eight, Saint Petersburg; 2 -Sixth City Hospital, Sevastopol

An influence of Dusopharm on functional rehabilitation in stroke patients has been studied. We’ve analysed the results of treatment of 650 ischemic stroke patients. The functional rehabilitation was followed up using Barthel, Lindmark, Scandinavian and Merton and Sutton scales, psychoemotional condition – Beck Depression Questionnaire and Wakefield Depression Scale, quality of life – Sickness Impact Profile. The results of the study revealed that the use of Dusopharm was well founded in the treatment of stroke patients for increase a functional rehabilitation and improvement of psychoemotional condition and the quality of life.


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