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T. Titova; L. Kudryashova; I. Bolgova, Candidate of Medical Sciences; I. Pavlova Belgorod Regional Clinical Hospital of St Ioasaf, Belgorod

The article presents literature data on the problem of aging, a marked increase in the number of elderly and senile age in the world; examines various theories of aging. It was found that the most relevant theory of aging, at the moment, is the theory of oxidative stress (free radical theory). It is revealed that with age there is an increase in the number of active forms of oxygen in the cells, the intensity of oxidative processes in the mitochondria and decreased antioxidant protection. Currently actively being sought methods of influence on oxidative stress, we conducted a study of natural and synthetic antioxidants, evaluates their impact on the intensity of oxidative processes in cells and the human body in General. Underway to develop new antioxidants, a three-dimensional supramolecular compounds that have intrinsic antioxidant activity.

oxidative stress

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