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T. Petelina, MD; N. Musikhina, Candidate of Medical Sciences; Professor L. Gapon, MD; A. Takkand; I. Osipova; O. Belosludtseva Branch, Research Institute of Cardiology, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Tyumen Cardiology Center

Seventy-five male and female patients aged 60.1±10.7 years with coronary heart disease (CHD) and unstable angina were examined. A group of patients with hemodynamically significant coronary stenosis (HSCS) was identified by selective coronary angiography. Higher levels of atherogenic lipid fractions were found in the patients with unstable angina and HSCS than in those without HSCS, with the equivalent activation of markers for a systemic inflammatory response and with endothelial dysfunction as plasma endothelin 1 hyperproduction being in the patients of both groups. There were multiple direct correlations between the levels of atherogenic lipid fractions, inflammatory markers, and the degree of coronary artery atherosclerotic stenosis.

unstable angina
hemodynamically significant stenosis
lipid spectrum
markers of inflammation

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