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D. Bordin (1,2), MD; Professor S. Kolbasnikov (2), MD; A. Kononova (2), Candidate of Medical Sciences; I. Voynovan 1 -Moscow Clinical Research and Practical Center, Moscow Healthcare Department 2 -Tver State Medical Academy

The high prevalence and social significance of diseases associated with Helicobacter pylori (Нр), its increased antibiotic resistance, and the lower efficiency of eradication therapy necessitate a search for ways to enhance therapeutic efficiency. One of them is adjuvant probiotic intake that contributes to a reduction in antibiotic-associated adverse reactions and increases adherence to treatment. Lactobacillus reuteri DSMZ 17648 is noted to form specific coaggregates with Hp, and to decrease gastric bacterization, which may promote the higher efficiency of eradication therapy. The possibility of monotherapy with a L. reuteri DSMZ 17648 agent in Hp-infected persons who have no strict indications for eradication is being investigated.

Helicobacter pylori
eradication therapy
antibiotic resistance
Lactobacillus reuteri

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